Sunday, February 9, 2014

Discussion: Pompeii

Reviewing my classmate Yo's blog I have learned a lot more about the interior style that I did not discover in my own studies. He explained that the arts from Pompeii has been the greatest achievement of their era.  Their art had four styles: painted stucco, mimicking the architectural construction, painted scenarios, and large scenes. All of this artwork has been incorporated throughout the decades and are well-known today. Yo did a nice job summing up this era and its history.

Rose also made note on the styles of artwork, she found that the four styles were called:
the Masonry Style- a painted stucco to seem as though the walls are covered with stones,
the Illusionistic Style- provides a reproduction with landscape scenes,
the Ornate Style- creates framed images in which the framing is actually painted on, and the fourth style combines all these elements.

Both of my classmates noted that Pompeii's architecture was very similar to that of the Romans, this helps us reconstruct the ruins in out minds to imagine what Pompeii looked like in its prime.

Learn more from my classmates blogs at: -Yo -Rose

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