Monday, February 24, 2014

The Americas: 2000 B.C- 1521 A.D

The term "Americas" consists of the following cultures during this time: the Olmecs 2000 B.C - 200 B.C, which was the first dominant culture of Southern Mexico, the Mayans 300B.C- 1521A.D - Toltecs in Central America, the Aztecs of Mexico, and the Incas of Peru. During this time frame, Mesoamerican settlement surrounded places of ceremonial significance. Temples, and pyramids shaped the towns and stood out for religious and sacrificial purposes. 

The Olmecs, who developed hieroglyphics, prided themselves in their realistic artwork and use with the jade stone. The first agricultural settlement was a ceremonial center named San Lorenso ca. 1200 BC. and it was destroyed in 900B.C, and La Venta was established. This period of time revealed how widespread Olmec culture, commercial, and artistic influence was.

Olmec zoomorphic jaguar sculpture, Mexico The Olmec is one of the earliest known American civilizations that began in Southern Mexico around 2,000 B.C. These stone heads represented a ruler and were sculpted from basalt boulders that weighed between 40-50 tons.
Jade Face Masks
Modern application: Olmec is the moniker of a Nashville based collaborative hip-hop group. They want to represent their music using iconic imagery from South American anthropology. The company knew Olmec artworks are considered among ancient America’s most striking, so using an image of a colossal head they said would prove that their music would be most striking as well.

The Mayans surrounded Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and parts of Mexico. Their life style brought about many architectural design aspects: the castillo, ball court and the chacmool. The castillo, has been represented in castles all over the world and was first seen in Mayan ruins that resembled pyramids. Word-press states that "The ball court Chichen Itza was a sacred central site of the Maya civilization called the “Great Ball Court”. It was 272 feet long and 199 feet wide with open walls. The hoop was 23 feet above the ground, making it an extremely difficult feat to put the heavy rubber fall into the hoop. The hoop was not only that tall but hands and feet were not allowed, they had to throw themselves on the ground and used their hips to hit the ball. The size of the court, about the size of a football field, and the height of the hoop, made this activity extremely challenges and difficult. Specifically, at this ball court, the acoustics are very impressive. Still to date a whisper at one end of the court can be heard in the center, and a clap from the center can produce 9 echos around the walls. This feature shows a high level of sophistication and architectural understanding."

Muyil - Maya ruins south of Tulum, Mexico

I found this modern application of a ballcourt in coorporated into a Mayan themed fashion show!

The Aztecs comprised approximately 200,000 citizens. During this time Aztec Human Sacrifice was something very well known. There was something also known as "Blood Offerings." Aztecs believed that the world was in a complex yet unstable balance susceptible to forces within their control.

 One well know area of architecture of this era is Teotihuacan. Apart from the pyramidal structures, Teotihuacan is also known for its large residential complexes, the Avenue of the Dead, and numerous colorful, well-preserved murals. This time is also know for the pyramids of the sun and moon and Templo Mayor, the two temples one for the god of was and the other for the god of agriculture

 Today Aztec is represented as a fashion style and common print. (Why a Starbucks Carmel Frapp is included in this style is beyond me...)

 The Incas also added many unique aspects to The Americas. Their location on the beautiful mountainous pacific coast makes a desirable site-seeing location.

Machu Picchu- Archaeologists working at the Chotuna-Chornancap camp in Peru found the remains of almost three dozen people that were sacrificed by the Incan civilization about six centuries ago

Their remains are wonderfully preserved in isolated chullpas (above ground burial chambers) and it still perplexes archaeologists as to how this community managed to access and bury their dead here.
Modern Application of the Trapezoidal door
  One fun design elements of this time was the trapezoidal door found in Machu Picchu.


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